If Your Cladding Had a Dating Profile, Would It Say "High Maintenance"?
Is your cladding a dependable partner or a high-maintenance heartbreaker? Learn the red and green flags of exterior materials and keep your building...
Is your cladding a dependable partner or a high-maintenance heartbreaker? Learn the red and green flags of exterior materials and keep your building...
Learn why hiring a consultant can boost your building’s value, clear up issues faster, and help you avoid costly delays in the repair process.
Just like an orchestra needs a conductor, your building needs a consultant to ensure every part works together seamlessly. From windows to siding and...
Curious about the difference between a Reserve Study and an Inspection? Learn why both are essential for your building's health in this quick read. A...
Being on HOA board during the holiday season can feel more angst than thanks, especially when you are balancing your day job to tackling building...
Your building looks fine from the outside and you might think you don't need an inspection. These 10 horrifying building damages might change your...
As fall approaches, the drop in temperature, more wind and increase in rainfall can bring challenges to your building. Here are some tips for...
If you are a first-time condo/townhome buyer or you know anyone around you is in that journey, use this checklist to ensure you are well-prepared!
Condo owners, boards, and managers, do you have headaches when the water damage is more extensive than it appeared during the visual inspection?
Living in a coastal area, do you have headaches whenever you see the rusted metal components in your building?